About Babaolowo


It is interesting to know that you actually clicked this tab to find me... I am glad you did.

If you are here reading this page, you found me already!

Trust me! This is not “The Life of Pi”, but it is a journey to into the truth dripping biased mind of  “Babaolowo” via is wisdom ridden fingers.
This the world of “Babaolowo” a man whose circumstances of birth alone led to two dates being recorded between those who witnessed his birth and a great man that was hundreds of miles away from the scene, leaving the two parties controversially right and wrong because their was a rebirth on a day he chose without he himself knowing the day or date. I am confusing sometimes so get ready to enjoy every moment.
| I Sing| I Rap | I Drink & Drive | I Write What I Like |
I hope I’m convincing or confusing enough?
I am rising up and STANDING TALL

I’m Abidemi Babaolowo Oderinlo

email: [email protected]