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DJ Abass #IBelieve


Nigeria is totally blessed and we have a few great men who believe in our country and are constantly flying her flag all over the world. One of such rare gems is DJ Abass! I been following him since I can’t remember and it is more of a ritual for me to visit his social media pages this days to catch wisdom and I found this on his Facebook page this morning so I decided to share because...

Kiss Daniel – The Talents That Worked and Walked


Not so many will know the name Oluwatobiloba Daniel Anidugbe even in the backdoor and corridors of Nigeria Entertainment Industry but mention the world “Kiss” and the next thing that comes to mind will not be the earth old lip locking exercise but “Daniel”, yes! “Kiss Daniel”, the name of that young Lagos living boy from Ogun State who has redefined the word...

Autumn Leaf


Autumn Leaf   From me you drift away Like a shaft in the wind along the planes of Alli To the East and South at once With the air for me to hold as I whimper and groan It is from deep within that I write this ode Hoping it will be a fence And not a sieve that will let you slip away from me A thousand I have seen A thousand more I long to see But the minute my lids open and I saw you My...

Welcome Back! … Stories That Touch


The meaning of my first name “Abidemi“, my real identity “Babaolowo” and the uniqueness of my last name “Oderinlo” fused with my pungent, original and sometimes truth laden irritating persona leaves you a finely finished and refined young Nigerian male that defines creativity, knows ‘A Little Bit About Everything’ and writes about just anything for...

The Consequence of Your Actions


THE CONSEQUENCE I absolutely have no problem with those who choose to the option of going homo/gay or bisexual, it’s like me choosing wine and others falling for the cigarette and some other doing both cigarette and wine.. it’s a world of choices and such people should be allowed to do what they like with their assholes but where I stand against such is when this people choose not to...

Iya Agba – Letter To My Grandma In Heaven


Dear Sabitiu Cecilia Oderinlo, It seems like a few days ago that you left but indeed, it’s been more than a few years, it’s ten wonderful years already since you left this world of sin to the realm that is unseen to us all, a chapter that we hopefully will see or never get to see if Jesus returns before the inevitable unseen arrives. It’s beautiful that you left at the ripest of age, an age when...

Introducing! The Beautiful Daughter of A Barren Woman


Here’s my beauty, my heart, my one and one true sweet heart, the bestest gift I have received from God. Let me introduce you to Oreoluwa, Boluwatife, Eniola, Ayokunumi… I’m sure by now you must have noticed she’s my name sake “Eniola” but that’s not all… She’s my birthday mate, my heart, soul and etc mate… We’re #Aries 👌 and more...

The True Definition of Grace


  The society plus the English dictionaries erroneously defined Grace as ” the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings (in Christian belief)” Yes it is free and given only to those who accept it, yes it was manifested through the death and resurrection of Christ, but it doesn’t bestow blessing or immunity in...